I have a few acne scares. anywho, how do you get rid of them ?. I have a few scars on my cheeks from acne when i was a really small child. i have never been able to get rid of them, what can i do? (my acne is better now. How do you get rid of them. i've heard of bio-oil but one of my friends said it makes your skin oily and i dont want more pimples. and if you have used bio.
Im 13 and i used to have pretty severe acne, but a tried benzoyl peroxide and it worked amazingly for me and my acnes pretty much gone but the only thing. I've suffered for years with acne & i still am. a lot of them are just scars now. how can i get rid of them? or at least, make them less noticeable? i don. Anything at all! really i will try anything!? im currently using clearisil to keep the acne away and its working well for me .. but i have alot of scars.
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